8 C’s for Effective Content

My 8 C’s of content marketing are a framework that highlights elements for creating and implementing a successful content marketing strategy. These can include blogs, podcasts, articles, and long-form social media. Short social media posts are more in the copywriting realm, but you can still incorporate some of these C’s to help your copy shine.

8 C’s of Effective Content

CLEAR: Your content has to be direct and easy to understand. Use language that resonates with your target audience and avoid unnecessary jargon. Clarity ensures your message is understood and that your audience can grasp the value you’re offering.

Talk to your current customers or clients if you’re unsure how to write clear copy. Ask them to describe their struggles and learn why they chose to work with you. Write down the words they’re using so you can find terms and themes to use in your content.

CONSICE: Concise means to cut. Sometimes, it can mean editing down to what’s important without unnecessary words. Other times it can be about taking a complex subject, like the topic I’m undertaking today, and providing an overview rather than a masterclass.

To be concise in your delivery, consider where your message will appear. Your content depth and length will be different depending on whether you’re writing a podcast versus a blog.

COMPELLING: Your content needs to exert influence over the reader. You can provide that by telling relatable stories. Meet your customers where they are. You want them to listen, care and take action. So, what does that look like?

Ultimately, we want prospective clients to take action, which they won’t do if we can’t compel them to act.

CONSISTENT: Consistency is key in content marketing. It means maintaining a regular schedule for publishing content and ensuring a consistent voice and messaging across various platforms. Consistency builds trust with your audience and helps establish your brand. We train our audience to know what to expect from us.

It’s also necessary to keep your messaging consistent. Sometimes, you want to deviate from your main messages, but try your best not to. Your audience will be confused if you post something completely unrelated to what you’re known for.
Man and woman brainstorming with sticky notes on a wall
CONTEXTUAL: You want to ensure the content you’re sharing is relevant to the people you want to work with. The context in which you share information is a critical piece of the puzzle. You need to think, how is this about them? Why should they care? What’s happening in the market?

The critical first step of any successful content marketing strategy is the context within which content is developed and delivered to the intended audience. Mess this up, and you’ll waste a lot of time and effort for little, if any, return. When someone has a problem or desire, they’re contemplating a journey of transformation, whether large or small in scope. The job of the content marketer is to mentor or coach the prospect through their journey, and at some point, your product or service becomes a necessary and desirable way to complete the journey.

CHANNELS: Remember that 20% of your effort gets you 80% of your results. Where are your prospects showing up? Understanding the context in which your audience is most likely to consume your content will make your life much easier.

Consider the channels, platforms, and devices your audience uses and the timing and environment in which they engage with your content. You don’t need to be everywhere, but wherever you are, tailoring your content to fit the context ensures it is more effective and engaging.

CREDIBLE: This “C” gets overlooked the most. But it’s important to consider your qualifications to speak about a topic. Tell people what gives you the right to speak with authority about a topic. You don’t need to do this with every piece of content, but be sure to reference your story now and then.

CALL TO ACTION: A CTA should appear in most of your content. After getting someone to listen, pay attention and care about what you’re saying, now you want them to act. So, what is the action you want the listener to take?

In marketing, CTAs help a business convert a visitor or reader into a lead for the sales team. But CTAs can also drive various actions depending on the content’s goal. Maybe you want them to like, share or comment on your social media posts. Or maybe you want people to register for an event or review a product or service. There are many CTAs, all of which can move your prospects into your service of influence.

If you want to learn more about the 8 C’s of effective content, email us at connect@prosperforpurpose.com

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