Episode 104: How Purpose Leads Your Mission, Vision and Values

June 4, 2024

When done well, brand purpose leads your mission, vision and values and guides virtually every decision you make in your organization. Unfortunately, most businesses either don’t have a brand purpose statement or don’t have the right one. Today I’m sharing the Brand for Good process for creating this asset for your business so that you can attract better talent, inspire your community and out-perform your competition. 

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Hiring an expert to consult on a specific area of your business can bring valuable insights that transform your company. But which experts does your business need and when? That’s what I’m breaking down for you in this episode of Brand for Good.

Episode 103: Hire the Right Experts at the Right Time

May 28, 2024

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Episode 102: Brand Work is Soul Work

May 21, 2024

In this episode, I discuss how to navigate misalignment between your business offerings and your personal aspirations. As I continue to take you behind the scenes with me while I upbrand my agency, Prosper for Purpose, I also want to share some of the deep work that is necessary during the process, especially when business changes are a driving force.

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If you’re branding along with me, take stock of what you offer and what you actually do in your business. Is what you created serving who you are now? It’s good to re-evaluate your business every three years and consider what, if anything, you’d like to change.

Episode 101: Brand Strategy & Inspiration

May 7, 2024

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Episode 100: Upbranding the Prosper Way

April 30, 2024

Have you ever considered rebranding your company? Do you want compelling copy, a show-stopping design, and a website that you’re proud to have people visit? I certainly do. In fact, I go through the rebranding process about every three years…and guess what? This happens to be one of those years!

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This episode is all about brand aura, the energy that your brand radiates—or what we might call, its glow. Brand aura also encompasses how that energy is perceived by your audience—their core reaction or feeling when experiencing it.

Episode 99: Brand Aura

April 23, 2024

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