Prosper for Purpose creates and builds peerless, profitable brands for purpose-driven leaders and organizations.

We're a team of strategists and storytellers who help our clients communicate their unique perspectives with clarity and conviction. We then leverage paid, earned, shared and owned media to help them disrupt their industries and become a "category of one" in their field. 

We have some pretty revolutionary ideas about what an agency can be. A trusted partner. A force for good. By collaborating with individuals and organizations who have a shared vision to do well and do good, we produce solutions that create change.

Meet the team

B Corp is to business what Fair Trade certification is to coffee or USDA Organic certification is to milk.

B Corp is to 


what Fair Trade certification is to


or USDA Organic certification

is to 


We do well by doing good

Our company is part of a movement that uses business as a force for good. In February 2016, Prosper for Purpose became a Certified B Corporation. B Corps are for-profit companies certified by the nonprofit B Lab as having met rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

We are proud to have been the second communications agency and the first nonprofit consulting and fundraising agency in our home State of Ohio to earn the B Corp status. Today, there is a growing community of more than 3,700 Certified B Corps from 50+ countries and over 130 industries working together toward one unifying goal: to redefine success in business.

Let's chat!

We offer a discount for fellow b-corps!

Holden Arboretum

ohio department of higher education

Cuyahoga county
board of health

ohio division of liquor control

Our Work

We approach each project as an opportunity to bridge resources and goals; to further a mission; to do good and do well. Please click below to read about a few samples of our work.

Cabela’s Grand Opening

West Side
Catholic Center


Lily Rose Lee




Prosper for Purpose Helps Ohio Department of Commerce’s Division of Liquor Control Promote the Responsible Sale and Consumption of Alcohol

‘Redefine’ Campaign Aims to Decrease Underage Drinking and Over-Consumption of Alcohol

Company Bio:

The Ohio Division of Liquor Control is focused on ensuring Ohioans and visitors have access to the products they want to purchase while encouraging the responsible consumption of alcohol. This includes overseeing the manufacturing, distribution and sale of all alcoholic beverages, selling spirituous liquor through contract liquor agencies, and issuing permits and registering products for sale.


Executive Summary

The DOLC is focused on ensuring Ohioans have access to the alcoholic products they want to purchase, while encouraging the responsible consumption of alcohol. They also promote the responsible consumption of these products by educating the public, and ensuring that business owners and their employees are fully informed and properly trained on their responsibilities not to sell to underage or intoxicated individuals.

Thanks to a grant from the National Alcoholic Beverage Control Association (NABCA), the DOLC desired to design and implement a multi-faceted awareness campaign that promotes the prevention of the sale of alcohol to underage individuals by contract liquor agencies and wholesale bars and restaurants, as well as the responsible consumption of alcohol by consumers.

Underage drinking and excessive consumption of alcohol are largely impacting the safety, morbidity and mortality rate in Ohio. The campaign would support efforts to create a safer environment to equip the community with the tools and knowledge needed to lower these rates. All messages were intended to encourage Ohioans to sell and consume alcohol responsibly.


Among youth in the United States, alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug. The use of alcohol underage can lead to school, social, legal and physical problems among youth and students who drink alcohol are at a higher risk for suicide and homicide. Underage drinking and drinking in excess have become an increasingly serious problem according to National Statistics of Underage Drinking:

— 4% of 12-20 year-olds participated in binge-drinking in the past month
— 54% of all fatalities from a car crash were the result of alcohol-impaired drivers
— More than 40% of 10th graders drink alcohol
— Teen alcohol consumption causes 4,300 deaths each year

4% of 12-20 year olds participated in binge-drinking in the past month

54% of all fatalities from a car crash were the result of alcohol-impaired drivers in 2016

More than 40% of 10th graders drink alcohol

Teen alcohol consumption causes 4,300 deaths each year as of 2015.

Research also shows about 90% of alcohol consumption among youth under age 21 and more than half of alcohol consumption among adults is in the form of binge drinking (defined as drinking four or more alcoholic beverages per occasion for women or five or more drinks per occasion for men). Binge drinking is associated with multiple health problems such as unintentional injury (crashes, falls, burns, drowning), intentional injury and violence, alcohol poisoning and many others.

How We Helped

Prosper for Purpose took a look at what’s been done to discourage underage and binge drinking, as well as promote responsible drinking. We identified the blank space that would allow us to zero in on a fresh approach. In the past, other anti-underage consumption campaigns used fear tactics to stray underage kids and bartenders away from the irresponsible use and sale of alcohol; however, recent research has shown that even while these tactics influence attitudes they do NOT change behavior. There are many reasons for this, but what was important was to create a different kind of campaign — one that focused on hope instead of fear.

Prosper for Purpose created a campaign concept theme titled “Redefine.” Tongue and cheek, this concept uses contradictory terms and visuals to redefine phrases with common negative connotations. The objective is to ignite ideas in kids to rethink how they have fun. “Redefine” aims to inspire teens to live life to the fullest, with the mindset that drinking isn’t the foundation of a good time, and to encourage adults to think twice before making decisions when faced with consuming or distributing alcohol.

The three main components of the campaign included a website, promotional video and social media. Traditional advertising and public relations tactics, such as media and influencer relations, partnerships and event planning, were also incorporated as part of the overall strategy.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

The overall success of the campaign was measured by numerous key performance indicators. Detailed metrics for the first six months of the campaign are indicated below. Website Analytics

Visitors: 3,008
Pageviews: 14,557

"Redefine Your Life" Video Analytics

Views: 537

Social media Analytics

New Followers: 140 (totals for four months)

Media Relations

Information about "Redefine" was featured in various news outlets, including The Akron Beacon Journal, The Parkersburg News and Sentinel, The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register, The Canton Repository and WTAM 1100

strategic partners

32 individuals at 18 key organizations and departments were engaged at a launch event. Five organizational partners requested materials for their use and 15 partners committed to completing the campaign checklist.

The “Redefine” team was invited to present to the Responsible Alcohol Policy Commission.

As a result of the RAPC presentation, the Redefine team is in conversations with the Director of Government Relations at Anheuser-Busch to determine the best way to partner in support of campaign programming through their non-profit AB-Bev Foundation.

The Prevention Action Alliance has spread the message through all of the channels available to the organization.

The Ohio Department of Tourism partnered with the DOLC on a collaborative marketing piece for online distribution for the 4th of July.

An ad and article on the “Redefine” campaign were featured in an issue of Friday Night Football magazine, which is sold in three states and distributed to 717 high schools, coaches and athletic directors.

The “Redefine” team was invited to set up a booth at the Ohio State Fair to highlight the campaign and generate awareness. The booth had 18,563 visitors during the course of the fair

"Redefine" also won a Bronze Rocks Award from the Greater Cleveland Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America for excellence in integrated communications.

Prosper for Purpose Develops Campus Sexual Violence Awareness Campaign to Be Introduced in 87 Colleges and Universities in Ohio

ALIGN is a comprehensive, actionable social norming campaign aimed at addressing the pervasive problem of sexual violence on Ohio’s campuses

Company Bio:

The Ohio Department of Higher Education is a government agency that oversees higher education in Ohio, including developing and advocating policies to maximize higher education’s contributions to the state and its citizens.


Executive Summary

The ALIGN campaign is part of the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s (ODHE) Changing Campus Culture initiative, a state-wide effort to better respond to, and ultimately prevent, campus sexual violence. Since 2015, Changing Campus Culture has proactively encouraged all of Ohio’s college and university campuses to embrace five cornerstone practices to address this pervasive problem: 1) Use data to drive action; 2) Respond to sexual violence on campus with evidence-based training; 3) Communicate a culture of shared respect and responsibility; 4) Develop a comprehensive response policy; and 5) Adopt a survivor-centered response.

To support recommendation number three, ODHE hired Prosper for Purpose to develop a social norming campaign that will be implemented in 87 of the state’s college and university campuses. The ALIGN campaign’s main objective is to unite higher education institutions in Ohio — through consistent messaging and imagery — with a shared commitment to end campus sexual violence.


National studies show that more than 11% of all college students experience sexual violence on campus. Among LGBTQI and female students, these statistics are even higher; 73% and 23% respectively. Time and again, research suggests that there is little public faith in institutional processes of responding to sexual assault accusations and altercations. Because of this mistrust, survivors have a tendency to underreport sexual assault crimes to authorities. For victims, the ramifications of sexual violence can last a lifetime — survivors are far more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, contemplate suicide, and abuse drugs and alcohol.

ODHE was in need of a powerful, inclusive campaign that could be utilized by both private and public higher education institutions to promote a culture of shared respect and responsibility, dispel certain harmful myths and ultimately create new social norms. The state-wide campaign also needed to seamlessly incorporate into each campus’ local efforts and initiatives.

How We Helped

Using our proprietary brand development process, Prosper for Purpose uncovered and solidified a campaign identity, extracted and refined key messages and lead the design of visual assets.

Throughout the development of the ALIGN campaign materials, Prosper for Purpose continuously sought feedback from both campus and community partners to ensure the resources were beneficial and provided real value. Partner outreach was critical during the creation of the campaign materials. As leaders in the effort to create systemic change, campus and community partners understand first-hand the importance of creating a safe environment for all.

Prosper for Purpose developed ALIGN’s imagery and messaging to be purposely broad, so each institution is able to amend campaign assets to support current, homegrown, on-campus initiatives. In addition, several pieces of campaign materials were designed with customizable elements to allow the colleges and universities to integrate school mascots, logos or colors for effective co-branding. The customization also allows each institution to create calls-to-action that are specific to campus systems, processes and procedures.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

The ALIGN campaign launched after Prosper for Purpose completed the campaign. Results reporting is available in the ODHE Annual Campus Climate Survey.

Moreover, Prosper for Purpose used public relations, marketing and communications best practices to set each institution up for success, including providing a high-level implementation strategy, an online toolkit and suggestions for the campaign launch.

Prosper for Purpose Improves Breast and Cervical Health with Cuyahoga County Board of Health

'My Body Matters' Campaign Designed to Encourage Underserved Women in 18 Ohio Counties to Apply for Free Cancer Screenings

Company Bio:

The Cuyahoga County Board of Health is a government public health organization that works in partnership with the community to protect and improve the well-being of everyone in Cuyahoga County.


Executive Summary

Using funding from the Ohio Department of Health’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Project, the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH) enlisted Prosper for Purpose for a public awareness and outreach campaign. The main objective was to educate underserved Northeast Ohio populations about breast and cervical health and ultimately, increase the number of health screenings among women in the targeted communities.

The "My Body Matters" campaign was executed in two phases based on grants and program goals. During the first grant, Prosper for Purpose and CCBH collaborated on the campaign to compel women to find ways around barriers to receiving routine breast and cervical cancer screenings. For the second grant, Prosper for Purpose focused on establishing relationships with "My Body Matters" providers and expanding the marketing tactics to include more women in a broader age group.


According to a recent Ohio Annual Cancer Report, breast cancer was the second leading cause of cancer incidence in Ohio. The incidence rate for Ohio was 125.8 per 100,000, placing Ohio in the second highest tier for incidence rates across the country. The Ohio Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey also indicated 60% of Ohio women 40 and older reported having had a mammogram — less than the national average of 69%.

CCBH has been a grantee of the ODH‘s Breast and Cervical Cancer Project since 1994. Recently, the ODH decreased the number of regional offices, thereby increasing CCBH’s service areas. CCBH was in need of a high-impact, population-based plan that would address breast & cervical cancer screening awareness among Ohio women in their significantly larger service area.

How We Helped

For phase one of the grant funding, Prosper set out to strategically communicate that eligible women can receive breast and cervical cancer screenings at no cost through the new "My Body Matters" program.

For phase two, Prosper focused on establishing relationships with "My Body Matters" providers and expanding the phase one marketing tactics to a broader range of women aged 21 to 64 years old.

The specific brand development tactics employed by Prosper for Purpose included creating a campaign identity through brand design and key messages as well as writing public service announcements, talking points and creating the "My Body Matters" website.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

At the conclusion of Prosper’s work on the "My Body Matters" campaign, more than 1,060 women received breast and cervical cancer screenings. Prosper also helped to secure 318 service providers for the program.

"My Body Matters" went on to win a Gold Rocks Award from the Public Relations Society of America Greater Cleveland Chapter for excellence in integrated communications.

Public relations and marketing tactics included media, partner and influencer outreach, community events and more while development tactics consisted of creating a campaign timeline, periodic benchmarking and partner management.

The West Side Catholic Center Partners with Prosper for Purpose on $2 Million Capital Campaign

'Campaign for the Future' Raises Critical Funding for Services

Company Bio:

The West Side Catholic Center is a nonprofit organization on Cleveland’s west side assisting all who come in need of food, clothing, shelter, advocacy and a path to self-sufficiency.


Executive Summary

The board and Executive Director of the West Side Catholic Center sought assistance from Prosper for Purpose on a $2 million capital campaign to secure the organization’s future. The main objective was to engage donors, volunteers and other ‘friends’ of the WSCC and generate donations towards the campaign’s fundraising goal. Direct results of these efforts included:

— $1.8 million raised by end of public phase
— Gold Rocks Award from the PRSA Greater Cleveland Chapter


In the nearly 40 years since its establishment, the WSCC has undergone few renovations and expansions to its physical spaces, though the need for its services continues to grow. The first capital campaign in nearly 20 years, the Campaign for the Future sought to raise funding needed for critical improvements to the physical spaces and increase programming, while also establishing an endowment to secure the future of the WSCC for generations to come.

How We Helped

Phase one required an internal assessment analysis, a revised case for support, selecting campaign chairs and champions, building the overall strategy and ultimately creating the capital campaign.

In phase two, Prosper for Purpose provided management services, marketing, and general support for the campaign, which included announcing the campaign to smaller donors, volunteers and other ‘friends’ of the West Side Catholic Center to generate $100,000 in donations towards the campaign's fundraising goal.

The specific brand development tactics employed by Prosper for Purpose included creating a campaign identity through logo, design and key messages as well as writing phone scripts, talking points and the campaign presentation.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

When the public phase ended, the campaign had raised more than $1.8 million toward its $2 million goal.

Elements of the design piece as well as copy were reused for other aspects of the Campaign for the Future, including newsletters, palm cards and posters. The brochure was repurposed to be an educational piece distributed to external stakeholders at meet and greets. Most importantly, the mailing has paved the way for conversations between volunteers and agency staff to move more volunteers to financially support the agency.

Public relations and marketing tactics included media and community outreach, social media engagement and a direct mail package while development tactics consisted of an assessment analysis, creating a campaign timeline as well as training and ongoing management of the campaign committee.

The direct mail piece also received a Gold Rocks Award from the Public Relations Society of America Greater Cleveland Chapter.

Prosper for Purpose Helps Holden Arboretum Launch $8 Million New Leaf Campaign

Holden Arboretum Collaborates with Prosper for Purpose to Reach New Heights 

Company Bio:

The Holden Arboretum, in Kirtland, Ohio, is an outdoor living museum on 3,500 acres that promotes the beauty and importance of trees and other woody plants. The grounds feature over 20 miles of trails that wind through cultivated gardens and native forests.


Executive Summary

Prosper for Purpose advised Holden Arboretum in launching the public phase of its $8 million New Leaf Campaign. The objective was to engage members and encourage them to donate to the capital campaign, which would be used to create a tower and canopy walk, rhododendron garden, tree allée and renovated library, as well as provide the ecological restoration of Corning Lake and Lotus Pond.


Prosper for Purpose was tasked with devising and implementing a communications plan to expand Holden’s visibility throughout the community in order to generate donations.

How We Helped

Prosper helped further Holden Arboretum’s mission through specific marketing and development tactics. These included creating and distributing two direct mail pieces, following up on all social media/online platforms and writing new, inspired messaging for collateral and visuals. Additionally, Prosper for Purpose prepared volunteer materials, trained volunteers and managed fundraising activity through full use of Holden’s Raiser’s Edge customer relationship management database.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

The original goal was increased to $9 million shortly after launching Phase One. Together with the help of Holden’s amazing marketing and development teams, the new goal was surpassed. The emergent tower and canopy walk continue to be a highly popular attraction.

Prosper for Purpose Helps Lily Rose Lee Secure Her Future

Lily Rose Lee Seeks Public Relations Counsel from Prosper for Purpose

Company Bio:

Lily Rose Lee, formerly known as Michelle Knight, is dedicated to supporting and addressing the needs of women and young girls who have experienced physical and emotional abuse through domestic violence, human trafficking, and child abuse.


Executive Summary

Lily Rose Lee teamed with Prosper for Purpose to ensure her speaking opportunities were maximized and new opportunities were identified in order to secure her future. The main campaign objective was to manage Lily’s overall brand to better communicate to her publics.


Lily Rose Lee, formerly known as Michelle Knight, was in need of public relations counsel to secure her future. Team Prosper began work by focusing on brand management and increased paid media opportunities for Lily. Lily required assistance defining her public and private personas, and looked to Prosper to ensure her needs are met when she travels for public appearances and to better communicate her legal name change — from Michelle Knight to Lily Rose Lee — to her followers and supporters.

How We Helped

Prosper for Purpose worked with Lily to develop visual design elements to enforce her new brand image including a logo, color palette, designated fonts for web and print content and business cards. Prosper also provided Lily with media training and executed local and national media relations to optimize paid speaking opportunities such as licensing opportunities, alliance with a nonprofit and publishing a new book. Additionally, Prosper assisted Lily with content creation for her social media channels and a rebrand of all her accounts accounts to reflect her name change.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

Just six months after the launch, Lily’s website had more than 32,000 sessions and nearly 70,000 page views.

L’Arche Brings on Prosper for Purpose to Advance Development Initiatives

Year-Long Contract Between Prosper for Purpose and L’Arche Highly Impactful

Company Bio:

L’Arche is a faith-based community where adults with and without developmental disabilities live and share their lives together as peers in family-style homes. L’Arche USA has 18 communities across the United States with a chapter in Cleveland.


Executive Summary

Prosper for Purpose was initially approached by the chairman of the board at L’Arche Cleveland to conduct a special event. From the successful completion of that project came new opportunities. Prosper was next retained to benchmark development and marketing activity and to develop strategies to move those initiatives forward. After the announcement of changes in the organization, L’Arche contracted with Prosper for a year-long engagement to address the larger opportunities in marketing and fundraising.


L’Arche was in need of refreshed branding in order to discover opportunities in marketing and fundraising and to promote the mission, vision and principles of L’Arche to a larger audience.

How We Helped

The comprehensive campaign produced new visual design elements, messaging and collateral pieces such as an informational brochure and L’Arche’s first annual report. Prosper for Purpose also aided in identifying future grant and fundraising opportunities, researching and developing strategy for creating annual appeal, updating the customer relationship database to reflect accurate donations and training staff and volunteers.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

The creation of a new, improved communications toolkit, refreshed messaging and images, and an award-winning brochure guided the successful implementation of Prosper’s recommended marketing and development plan. As a result, the 12th Annual Reverse Raffle nearly doubled net proceeds.

Prosper for Purpose Helps Home Matters Analyze and Report 1.6 Million Dollar Campaign

 Creating and Presenting Home Matters Impact Research Findings 

Company Bio:

Home Matters is a national movement which focuses on big picture messaging for the housing and community development industry with an overarching mission to build awareness and raise funds for more affordable homes and better communities across the nation.


Executive Summary

The National NeighborWorks Association started a new campaign, Home Matters, to communicate to the public and members of Congress that federal housing programs need more federal funding. Prosper for Purpose assisted with research, analysis and creation of an impact report to help Home Matters review progress towards outcomes and the effectiveness of activities. Home Matters achieved the following over a three-year period:

— Raised over $1.6 million
— Grew sponsorships by 500%
— Reached over 23 million households


Home Matters was redefining the American Dream. A dream where every American lives in a safe, nurturing environment with access to quality education, healthcare, public spaces and community services. In order to make this dream a reality, increased federal funding was required.

How We Helped

Prosper for Purpose found that Home Matters achieved great success in its outreach efforts. Most notable was the ability of Home Matters to create specific campaigns and programs and then obtain the ad hoc funding to carry these projects forward with success.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

Prosper presented these findings to the board of the National NeighborWorks Association, along with recommendations for building a sustainable program. Today, Home Matters is serving as a movement that is focused on raising awareness and funds to make Home a reality for everyone.

Prosper for Purpose was tasked with assessing the impact of current organizational efforts and making recommendations for future endeavors.

Over the next 10 years, Home Matters and its supporters will increase the quality of homes and communities, decrease homelessness, and increase affordable rentals and homeownership.

It was determined that focusing on raising awareness and encouraging conversation was a wise choice. In three years, Home Matters raised over $1.6 million, grew sponsorships by 500% and gained over 375 organizational supporters and more than 4,000 individual supporters. Additionally, Home Matters partnered with AARP and was showcased in AARP Bulletin, reaching 23 million households.

Prosper for Purpose Selects Dare2Care as Recipient of The Prosper Project

 The Prosper Project Helps Establish and Promote Dare2Care Brand 

Company Bio:

Dare2Care is a school-based anti-bullying program that creates sustainable advancements toward the vision of communities free of harassment, brutality and indifference.


Executive Summary

Dare2Care was a recipient of The Prosper Project for two consecutive years. Prosper for Purpose created The Prosper Project in order to provide pro bono work to nonprofits, such as Dare2Care, in the start-up phase. The Prosper Project collaborated with Dare2Care to raise awareness and build a community around their brand. 


Dare2Care’s mission is to provide sponsored teens and teachers with a variety of transformative and leadership development opportunities creating fair-minded leaders willing to educate others about identity and to raise awareness of bullying. The organization aims to create communities free of harassment, brutality and indifference toward LGBT youths.

How We Helped

Prosper for Purpose employed a series of public relations and communications tactics in order to execute Dare2Care’s brand identity goals. These tactics included developing a strong social media presence that provides educational and inspiring materials to Dare2Care supporters, developing a media list and reaching out to media contacts, distributing a press release, promoting events and creating and advising a strong Board of Directors to lead the organization to success.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

Over a 12-month period, Prosper for Purpose was able to yield the following results for Dare2Care’s social media channels. 

Prosper for Purpose was brought on to increase awareness of the organization, help define the brand and build a community of supporters to educate the Northeast Ohio community about identity and LGBTQ bullying prevention.


Total followers increased by 151%
Number of messages sent increased by 777%
Engagements increased by more than 900%
Impressions per tweet increased by 91%


Total followers increased by 62%
Number of media sent increased by 577%

1% for the Planet and Prosper for Purpose Raise Over $12,000 for Environmental Nonprofits

Branding and Launching the SEED (Solutions Elevating Environmental Donations) Ohio Investment Portfolio Program

Company Bio:

1% for the Planet is a global network of businesses, nonprofits and individuals working together to support environmental solutions through annual membership and everyday actions for a healthy planet.


Executive Summary

1% for the Planet connects dollars and doers to address the most pressing issues facing our planet. To drive new and increased environmental giving, 1% for the Planet desired to create a new, compelling product and engaging process. 1% for the Planet partnered with Prosper for Purpose to implement the SEED platform and raise funds for the most impactful and innovative environmental nonprofits.


1% for the Planet wanted to facilitate the donation process by creating a simple, engaging and trackable option for environmental giving in order to increase financial resources. The additional funding would be used to create and execute environmental initiatives surrounding policy advocacy, restoration, education and sustainability.

How We Helped

Prosper for Purpose developed a brand that resonates with the target audience and communicates SEED’s unique position through the strategic compilation of several brand development, public relations, marketing and community engagement tactics..

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

Through a new and innovative digital platform, SEED Ohio was able to facilitate outreach to and increase engagement surrounding a curated and vetted group of Ohio nonprofits representing six complex environmental focus areas: wildlife, pollution, water, food, climate and land.

In addition to raising $12,440 across six environmental focus areas, the following impact metrics were generated as a direct result of the SEED investment portfolio program:

— 380 pounds of materials diverted from landfills
— 190,200 pounds of organic and non-GMO food grown
— 30,000 pounds of reduced CO₂ emissions

Prosper for Purpose was tasked with helping 1% for the Planet brand and launch a scalable SEED platform to deliver funds to the most impactful and innovative environmental nonprofits while managing risk and creating engagement for portfolio investors

These tactics included designing a brand strategy (including architecture, positioning and key messaging), conducting local and national media relations, designing a SEED microsite featuring a downloadable promo toolkit, social media campaign management, and speaking at events target audiences would attend.

1% for the Planet was “proud to partner with Prosper for Purpose,” recognizing the organization as “an integral partner in bringing the SEED Ohio pilot to reality” and adding “[we] are thankful for their generosity and look forward to our continued work together.”

Prosper for Purpose Secures Over 90,000 Coverage Views for Cabela’s Grand Opening

Prosper for Purpose and Cabela’s Execute Avon, Ohio, Grand Opening 

Company Bio:

Cabela’s Incorporated is a leading specialty retailer of hunting, fishing, camping and related outdoor merchandise.


Executive Summary

Cabela’s selected Prosper for Purpose to facilitate media relations services for the Avon store’s grand opening. Prosper for Purpose implemented a series of media relations tactics to generate awareness of the new location and attract customers to drive sales during grand opening weekend. The campaign proved to be a massive success, generating the following:


 Cabela’s Incorporated, headquartered in Sidney, Nebraska, was preparing to launch its 84th location in Avon, Ohio. Prosper for Purpose was brought on to coordinate with Cabela’s corporate office to execute a public relations plan focused on employing specific media relations tactics to prepare staff and target key media. 

How We Helped

The main aspects of this public relations plan included media training Cabela’s Avon staff to prepare for interaction with reporters during a media preview day, distributing invitations and press releases to key local media, planning and conducting media tours, including local officials in grand opening ceremonies and assisting media with interviews and coverage during the grand opening.

Results, Return on Investment and Future Plans

Prosper successfully attracted all major media outlets in Cleveland to both Cabela’s Avon media preview day and grand opening, achieving more than 90,000 coverage views combined.

"Prosper for Purpose had a great understanding of our needs and expectations leading up to the grand opening of our new Avon, Ohio, store." 

Nathan Borowski
Communications Specialist at Cabela’s Incorporated

— 16 pieces of news coverage
— 4M online readership
— 5k estimated coverage views
— 41K social shares

Approximately 3,000 attended the store’s grand opening weekend, proving to be one of Cabela’s more significant turnouts.

Nathan Borowski
Communications Specialist at Cabela’s Incorporated

"They presented a clear plan for assisting with our grand opening process, which included on-site media training for Cabela’s staff and securing media attendance at two separate events, and executed their tasks beyond our expectations. They were a pleasure to work with and a great asset for our media and public relations efforts." 

Read the

